Surgery treats a hernia by repairing the weakness in the abdominal wall. An incision is made so the surgeon has a direct view of the hernia. The repair is then done through this incision (open surgery). To repair the defect, muscle and connective tissue may be sewn (sutured) together to make a “traditional repair.” Follow your doctor’s advice on how to get ready for the procedure. You can usually go home the same day as your surgery. In some cases, though, you may need to stay in the hospital overnight.

Getting ready for surgery

Your doctor will talk with you about preparing for surgery. Follow all the instructions you’re given and be sure to: 

  • Tell your doctor about any medications, supplements, or herbs you take. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter items.
  • Stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other NSAIDs as directed.
  • Arrange for an adult family member or friend to give you a ride home after surgery.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking affects blood flow and can slow healing.
  • Gently wash the surgical area the night before surgery.
  • Don’t eat or drink after midnight, the night before your surgery. You may need to take some medications with a sip of water, but check with your doctor.

The day of surgery

Arrive at the hospital or surgical center at your scheduled time. You’ll be asked to change into a patient gown. You’ll then be given an IV to provide fluids and medication. Shortly before surgery, an anesthesiologist will talk with you. He or she will explain the types of anesthesia used to prevent pain during surgery. You will have one or more of the following:

  • Monitored sedation to make you relaxed and sleepy.
  • Local anesthesia to numb the surgical site.
  • Regional anesthesia to numb specific areas of your body.
  • General anesthesia to let you sleep during surgery.
Resources VIDEOS

The da Vinci Surgical System

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